Anonymous male

Anonymous has crossed the Zimbabwe-South Africa border many times. He is one of many Zimbabweans who, every day, face starvation, dangerous animals, the Limpopo river floods, thugs, cruel farmers, and the risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, all in an attempt to make a living for themselves and their families.

Special thanks to the International Organization for Migration for providing this story.

Key points to consider in viewing Anonymous’ story

For a variety of economic and political reasons, migration is increasing throughout Sub-Saharan Africa. Labour migrants are vulnerable to xenophobia, violence, and disease. Anonymous male’s story explores these issues and can be shared to promote discussion about how the movement of people across national borders can both benefit families and communities and present challenges, when it comes to the realities of HIV transmission. Be sure to bring up the topic of gender to explore the different experiences of men and women, in the context of labour migration.

Learn More

Sonke works with many communities to use storytelling and digital media to help people tell their own stories around gender, violence, HIV and AIDS and related issues.

Sonke partnered with Silence Speaks to enable young people and adults affected by violence and HIV and AIDS to share their stories. Other digital stories have been produced with former prisoners who experienced sexual violence in jail. And the MenEngage African Youth Alliance and Sonke partnered with UNFPA to produce “Youth Stories of Change” along with a discussion guide and other resources.

Through intensive, participatory video production workshops, Sonke is bringing rarely-heard voices and images into the civic arena. Our hope is that by highlighting everyday stories, we will deepen existing conversations about gender norms and health issues, as well as empower the storytellers and their communities.

Download Resources

Click here to download a facilitator’s guide, discussion guides and other Digital Stories resources to assist in the use of these tools in your community.