Stop Violence against Women in South Africa

Know your Epidemic – Know your Response

In recognition of the urgent need to respond to high levels of IPV and SV, the Department of Women, Children and People with Disabilities (DWCPD) commissioned this study on VAW. This is the first national effort to compile, synthesise and analyse data on the scale, determinants, consequences and responses to VAW in South Africa. The purpose of this situational analysis is to broaden understanding of the scale, forms and manifestations of VAW in South Africa, and its underlying drivers, in order to:

  • Raise the issue of VAW to a higher level on the national agenda;
  • Strengthen the coherence of the national response to VAW, by developing evidence-based interventions; and
  • Provide a synthetic baseline against which progress can be measured.

Stop violence against women in South Africa

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Gender-Based Violence
